Clear Skies

visual astronomy

Parsamian Cometary Nebulae

Elma Parsamian's intriguing catalog of cometary nebula. Deemed lost to the general public for decades.

My sincere gratitude goes out to dr. Tigran Magakian of Byurakan Observatory.

In this article


The Parsamian catalog was completed on 23 July 1964, published in 1965.

The catalog is written in Russian. The only Russian I know is Nashe zdoróvje (ваше здоровье).

That did not stop me from attempting to translate the catalog. First, from Wikipedia, I copied the Russian alphabet. I set out by translating the description of Parsamian 1.

Parsamian 1 - 1965IzArm..18..146P

When the first two words "Кометарная туманность" translated to "Cometary nebula", I knew I was on track. From there on it was a matter of copy-pasting the Russian typography, letter by letter, and running it through Google Translate while checking repeatedly for consistency in the translations.

Click here to download the original catalog, click here to download the catalog with the text in both Russian and English.

Catalog introduction (Russian)

Below is the catalog's introduction text, in Russian and translated to English.



В целях ироведния некоторой статистнки параметров, характеризующих кометарные туманности, нами были произведены ноиски кометарных туманностей на Паломарских картах. С особой тщательностью были просмотреиы области Тельца, Ориона и Единорога, где сконцентрирована большая часть известных кометарных туманностей. Среди разнообразных объектов, имеющих кометарную форму, выбирались те, которые характеризовались следующими признаками:

  1. Туманность имеет конусообразную форму.
  2. В вершине конуса иаходится ядро, погруженное частично в туманность.
  3. Размер туманности d (подразумевается высота конуса) порядка 0.5' - 3.0'.

В данный список включены наиболее ярко выраженные кометарные туманности. В список не включены туманности, имеющих форму дуги или выброса. Несколько туманностей, которые по своей форме могут быть кометарнымн, но известны как диффузные, также включены в спнсок. Г рубая оценка цвета кометарных туманностей по Паломарским картам показала, что около 80% туманностей нмеют положительный показатель цвета. Угол наклона осей туманностей к плоскости Галактики находится в пределах от 0° до 60°.

Координаты туманностей определялись с помощью звезд из каталога AGK2. Координаты туманностей с отрицательным склонением определялись непосредственно по Паломарским картам, чтозначительно уменьшило их точиость.

Catalog introduction (English)



For the purpose of studying some statistical parameters, characterizing cometary nebulae, we carried out searches for cometary nebulae on the Palomar charts. Special care was taken to view the areas of Taurus, Orion and Monoceros, where most of the known cometary nebulae are concentrated. Among the various objects that have a cometary shape, those were selected that were characterized by the following features:

  1. The nebula has a cone shape.
  2. At the top of the cone there is a core, partially immersed in the nebula.
  3. The size of the nebula d (meaning the height of the cone) is on the order of 0.5' - 3.0'.

This list includes the most pronounced cometary nebula. The list does not include nebulae that have the shape of an arc or a plume. Several nebulae, that may be cometary in shape, but are known to be diffuse, are also included in the list. A rough evaluation of the color of cometary nebulae using the Palomar charts showed that about 80% of the nebulae have a positive color index. The angle of inclination of the axes of the nebulae to the plane of the galaxy is in the range from 0° to 60°.

The coordinates of the nebulae were determined using stars from the catalog AGK2. Negative declination nebula coordinates were determined directly from the Palomar maps, which significantly reduced their accuracy.

Complete English translation

Object verification

I checked the objects in the original catalog using AstroPlanner with DSS imagery, the information in my own publication CSOG and various papers for objects not yet - or not (yet) completely - incorporated in CSOG, as well as to crosscheck previously researched information:

The current beta versions of the soon to be released version 2.4 of AstroPlanner made checking celestial coordinates in various astronomical epochs a breeze. The application can truly walk on water and I can not recommend it enough.

AstroPlanner Field of View - centering B1950 position


The catalog, on the second page, does not increment the B1950 coordinates' right ascension hours for objects 5 through 10 and objects 19 & 20.

For Parsamian 9, NGC2162 was noted as a nearby object. This is IC2162 instead of NGC2162, as explained below.

Parsamian 9 - 1965IzArm..18..146P

Parsamian's nebulae

Below are the individual objects. The coordinates' right ascension is always rounded to the nearest second, the declination is rounded to the nearest minute, with only a few exceptions for when the Parsamian-Petrosyan catalog 1979CoBAO..51....3P lists declination including seconds.

Coordinates that are within one minute of arc of an object are considered matching.

Included with every object are images of the updated CSOG (by object) guides of the Parsamian Cometary Nebulae edition.


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23

Parsamian 1

Catalog B1950 - 05:28:12 +34°09'00", size 1-1.5'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность нахоинтся вюжной частн NGC 1931. В отлнчие оттуманности NGC 1931, которая ярче в краных лучах, кометарная туманноств ярче в синих.

The cometary nebula lies in the southern part of NGC 1931. In contrast to the nebula NGC 1931, which is brighter in red light, the cometary nebula is brighter in blue.


The B1950.0 position 05:28:12 +34°09'00" is a match for a small nebula in the southern part of NGC1931 in the constellation of Auriga.

P1 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 28 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 05:28:06 +34°09'00" matches the Parsamian B1950 position, as does the image.

Cohen in 1974PASP…86..813C describes Parsamian 1 as "This object lies in the southern part of the nebula NGC 1931".

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 05:28:12 +34°09'00"
converted J2000.0 - 05:31:31 +34°11'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 1 - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 05:31:27 +34°11'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 1 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 2 (PGC17603)

Catalog B1950 - 05:38:30 +06°36'00", size 0.6'

Catalog notes

Яркая кометарная туманность, напоминающая NGC 6729, с углом раствора ~ 100°.

A bright cometary nebula, reminiscent of NGC 6729, with an angle of ~ 100°.


The B1950 position 05:38:30 +06°36'00" is 8' west-southwest of the galaxy PGC17603 in the constellation of Orion. There is no other nebula, or other object that appears as a nebula, in the vicinity.

P2 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 41 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 05:39:00 +06°39'36" is a match for PGC17603, as is the image.

30' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 05:38:30 +06°36'00"
converted J2000.0 - 05:41:11 +06°37'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 2 (PGC17603) - 30' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 05:41:42 +06°41'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 2 (PGC17603) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 3

Catalog B1950 - 05:51:24 +01°40'00", size 1.6'

Catalog notes

Яркая туманность в периферийной области поглощающего облака.

Bright nebula in the peripheral region of an absorbing cloud.


The B1950 05:51:24 +01°40'00 position is a match for the nebula Van den Bergh 62 in the constellation of Orion.

P3 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 46 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 05:51:24 +01°38'00" is 2' southeast of the Parsamian position. The image for Parsamian-Petrosyan 46 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is a match for the nebula Van den Bergh 62.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 05:51:24 +01°40'00"
converted J2000.0 - 05:54:00 +01°41'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 3 - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 05:54:04 +01°40'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 3 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 4

Catalog B1950 - 05:55:18 +16°31'00", size 1.1'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность, очень яркая в синих лучах, раствор конуса 160°.

Cometary nebula, very bright in blue light, cone opening 160°.


The B1950 position 05:55:18 +16°31'00" is 2' south-southwest of a small nebula surrounding the stars TYC1312-01112-1 and 4UCAC533-021519 in the constellation of Orion.

P4 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 48 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 05:55:42 +16°32'00" is 5' east-southeast of the Parsamian position. The image for Parsamian-Petrosyan 48 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is a match.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 05:55:18 +16°31'00"
converted J2000.0 - 05:58:11 +16°31'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 4 - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 05:58:13 +16°33'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 4 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 5

Catalog B1950 - 05:03:42 -15°37'00", size 1.3'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность с яркой центральной частью.

Cometary nebula with a bright central part.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950 right ascension should be 06 hours instead of 05. The corrected B1950 position 06:03:42 -15°37'00" is 2' northeast of a nebula surrounding the stars TYC5932-01543-1 and 4UCAC372-011441 in the constellation of Lepus.

P5 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 53 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 06:03:36 -15°39'00" matches the corrected Parsamian position as does the image.

15' POSS2 Blue

corrected B1950 - 06:03:42 -15°37'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:05:57 -15°37'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 5 - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:05:52 -15°39'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 5 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 6 (NGC2163)

Catalog B1950 - 05:04:48 +18°42'00", size 2.0'

Catalog notes

Ъиполярная кометарная туманность, привецепа в синих. Хаббла под координатами α=6h 04m, δ=18°42'.

Bipolar cometary nebula, visible in blue light. Hubble at coordinates α=6h 04m, δ=18°42'.


As objects in the Parsamian catalog are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950 right ascension should be 06 hours instead of 05. The corrected B1950 position 06:04:48 +18°42'00" is a close match to the B1920 position 06:03:06 +18°42'00" in 1922CMWCI.241....1H (Hubble) as noted by Parsamian and is 2' north-northwest of the nebula NGC2163 in the constellation of Orion.

P6 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 54 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950 06:04:54 +18°42'00" closely matches the corrected Parsamian position. The image for Parsamian-Petrosyan 54 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is a match. The English translation of 1979CoBAO..51....3P also notes P4 (Parsamian 4?) at this position, but that would be incorrect.

15' POSS2 Blue

corrected B1950 - 06:04:48 +18°42'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:07:44 +18°42'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 6 (NGC2163) - B1950, catalog - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:07:50 +18°39'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 6 (NGC2163) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 7 (IC2159)

Catalog B1950 - 05:06:48 +20°18'00", size 1.1'

Catalog notes

Очeнь красная туманность, вкаюченная в туманность NGC 2174-5. Раствор конуса ~ 120°.

A very red nebula, contained in the nebula NGC2174-5. Cone opening ~ 120°.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950 right ascension should be 06 hours instead of 05 hours. The corrected B1950 position is 06:06:48 +20°18'00". As noted by Parsamian, the nebula is "contained in the nebula NGC2174-5", has a "cone opening ~ 120°" and a size of 1.1'. Based on this information and the fact that the B1950 right ascension is a match, the conclusion is that there is a 13' error in the B1950 declination and that Parsamian 7 is IC2159 in the constellation of Orion.

Images of the observing guide below are from the upcoming CSOG 3.0 edition.

60' POSS2 Red

corrected B1950 - 06:06:48 +20°18'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:09:46 +20°17'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 7 (Sharpless 252E) - B1950, catalog - 60' POSS2 Red
30' POSS2 Red

correct J2000.0 - 06:09:53 +20°30'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 7 (Sharpless 252E) - J2000.0 - 30' POSS2 Red

Parsamian 8 (Helwân 127)

Catalog B1950 - 05:09:06 -06°09'00", size 1.0'

Catalog notes

конусообразная туманность впередержке, гнездо не видит.

Overexposed conical nebula, nest not visible.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950 right ascension should be 06 hours instead of 05 hours. The corrected B1950 position 06:09:06 -06°09'00" is 3' east of the nebula Helwân 127 in the constellation of Monoceros that better matches Parsamian's description "Overexposed conical nebula, nest not visible" than any of the nebula do that are 7' and further to the west-southwest and west (amongst which is NGC2185).

P8 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 55 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950 06:09:24 -06°08'00" matches Helwân 127 as does the image.

Images of the observing guide below are from the upcoming CSOG 3.0 edition.

15' POSS2 Blue

corrected B1950 - 06:09:06 -06°09'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:12:02 -06°10'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 8 (Cederblad 71) - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:11:49 -06°09'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 8 (Cederblad 71) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 9

Catalog B1950 - 05:09:30 +18°00'00", size 0.6'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность, ярче в красных лучах. Находится вблизи NGC 2162.

A cometary nebula, brighter in red light. Located near NGC 2162.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950 right ascension should be 06 hours instead of 05 hours. The corrected B1950 position 06:09:30 +18°00'00" is 4' west of the nebula IC2162 in the constellation of Orion.

The nebula is, as noted by Parsamian, "located near NGC 2162". It is clear that IC2162 and not NGC2162 (a globular cluster in the constellation of Dorado) is the nearby nebula Parsamian refers to. As noted for Parsamian-Petrosyian 56 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P "Nebula P9 is rediscovered in Gyulbudaghian & Magakian (1997a) at number 19". The B1950 position 06:10:00 +18°00'00" in 1977SvAL....3...58G (Gyulbudaghian-Magakian) matches the position in 1979CoBAO..51....3P. The conclusion is that Parsamian 9 is the small nebula in between Minkowski 2-60 and IC2162 that was later designated Gyulbudaghian-Magakian 9 and Parsamian-Petrosyan 56.

Images of the observing guide below are from the upcoming CSOG 3.0 edition.

15' POSS2 Red

corrected B1950 - 06:09:30 +18°00'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:12:25 +17°59'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 9 (Gaze-Shajn 91) - 15' POSS2 Red
15' POSS2 Red

correct J2000.0 - 06:12:55 +17°59'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 9 (Gaze-Shajn 91) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Red

Parsamian 10 (Sharpless 2-271)

Catalog B1950 - 05:11:54 +12°21'00", size 2.5'

Catalog notes

Очень красная бипоаярная туманность снеодннавой яркостью обеих половин, рядом маленькая туманность размером 0.8'.

A very red bipolar nebula with the same brightness of both halves, nearby is a small nebula 0.8' in size.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950 right ascension should be 06 hours instead of 05 hours. The corrected B1950 position 06:11:54 +12°21'00" is 3' west-southwest of the nebula Sharpless 2-271 and 5' west of the smaller nebula Sharpless 2-272 in the constellation of Orion.

In 1979CoBAO..51....3P P10 is listed as a synonym for Parsamian-Petrosyan 59 (Sharpless 2-269 and M3) at B1950 06:11:42 +13°51'00". The position is less than 2' west of the nebula Minkowski 1-83 (Sharpless 2-269) and 1.5° north of Sharpless 2-271 & Sharpless 2-272. M3 is presumed to be the third object in 1961SvA.....5..278V (Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov) with the position of B1900 06:09:30 +13°51'00", that is 7' east of Minkowski 1-83, listed as Sharpless 269 by Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov.

In the English translation of 1979CoBAO..51....3P P10 is listed as a synonym for Parsamian-Petrosyan 59 (Sharpless 2-259 and M3) at J2000.0 06:14:00 +13°50'00" which is 9' west of the nebula Minkowski 1-83 (Sharpless 2-269). The noted synonym Sharpless 2-259 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is an evident typographical error, as Sharpless 2-259 is over 3 degrees of arc to the north-northwest.

Although 1979CoBAO..51....3P lists P10 as Sharpless 2-269, Parsamian's note "A very red bipolar nebula with the same brightness of both halves, nearby is a small nebula 0.8' in size." is a very good match for the nebula Sharpless 2-271, that is brighter on the red plates and is indeed a bipolar nebula with two lobes that are almost identical in brightness. Also, nearby smaller nebula Sharpless 2-272 that is 2 minutes of arc to the southeast of Sharpless 2-271, is under one arcminute in size and thereby is a match for Parsamian's note. There is no "nearby small nebula" near Minkowski 1-83 (Sharpless 2-269). Therefor the conclusion, based on the corrected B1950 position that is very close to Sharpless 2-271 and Parsamian's description, specifically noting a nearby small nebula, is that Parsamian 10 is Sharpless 2-271 and not Minkowski 1-83 (Sharpless 2-269).

15' POSS2 Red

corrected B1950 - 06:11:54 +12°21'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:14:42 +12°20'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 10 (Sharpless 2-271) - 15' POSS2 Red
15' POSS2 Red

correct J2000.0 - 06:14:54 +12°21'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 10 (Sharpless 2-271) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Red

Parsamian 11 (Dorschner-Gürtler 97)

Catalog B1950 - 06:12:18 -06°19'00", size 0.7'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность, яркая в синих лучах.

A cometary nebula, brighter in blue light.


The B1950.0 position 06:12:18 -06°19'00" is a match for the nebula Dorscher-Gürtler 97 (1963AN….287..257D) in the constellation of Monoceros.

P11 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 60 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 06:12:00 -06°19'00" is 5' west of Dorscher-Gürtler 97 and is 7' west-northwest of Dorschner-Gürtler 98. The image in 1979CoBAO..51....3P matches Dorscher-Gürtler 97.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:12:18 -06°19'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:14:44 -06°20'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 11 (Dorschner-Gürtler 97) - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:14:46 -06°21'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 11 (Dorschner-Gürtler 97) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 12 (Dorschner-Gürtler 98)

Catalog B1950 - 06:12:24 -06°21'00", size 1.2'

Catalog notes

Яркая конусообразная туманность, окруженная слабой оболочкой.

A bright cone-shaped nebula surrounded by a faint shell.


The B1950.0 position is a match for the nebula Dorscher-Gürtler 98 (1963AN….287..257D) in the constellation of Monoceros.

P12 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 61 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 06:12:24 -06°21'00" matches the Parsamian B1950.0 position. The image in 1979CoBAO..51....3P matches Dorschner-Gürtler 98.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:12:24 -06°21'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:14:50 -06°22'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 12 (Dorschner-Gürtler 98) - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:14:53 -06°23'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 12 (Dorschner-Gürtler 98) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 13 (NGC2245)

Catalog B1950 - 06:29:54 +10°12'00", size 3.5'

Catalog notes

Туманность NGC 2245. Яркая туманность биполярнон формы, яркость одной половнны намного уступает яркости другой.

Nebula NGC 2245. A bright bipolar nebula, one half is much fainter than the other half.


The B1950.0 position is a match for the nebula NGC2245 in the constellation of Monoceros.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:29:54 +10°12'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:32:40 +10°10'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 13 (NGC2245) - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:32:41 +10°09'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 13 (NGC2245) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 14

Catalog B1950 - 06:34:54 -10°19'00", size 0.6'

Catalog notes

Слабая туманность, кометарная форма заметна в синих лучах.

Faint nebula, cometary form visible in blue light.


The B1950.0 position is 6' west-northwest of a small nebula in the constellation of Monoceros that is considerably brighter on the POSS2 Blue plate than it is on the red plate. No other nebulae are in the vicinity.

30' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:34:54 -10°19'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:37:16 -10°22'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 14 - 30' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:37:39 -10°23'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 14 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 15

Catalog B1950 - 06:41:18 +03°22'00", size 1.0'

Catalog notes

Две соприкасающнɛся туманности неодннавой яркостн вокруг двух звезд.

Two touching nebulae of different brightness around two stars.


The B1950.0 position 06:41:18 +03°22'00" is 25' northwest of a small, two lobed nebula surrounding the stars 4UCAC465-021344 and 4UCAC465-021349 in the constellation of Monoceros. No other nebulae are in the vicinity.

P15 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 65 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 06:42:18 +03°01'18" matches the position of the nebula 25' southeast of Parsamian's B1950.0 position, as does the image.

75' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:41:18 +03°22'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:43:56 +03°19'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 15 - 75' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:44:52 +02°58'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 15 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 16

Catalog B1950 - 06:54:48 -08°06'00", size 0.6'

Catalog notes

Типичная кометарная туманность.

A typical cometary nebula.


The B1950.0 position is on the northeastern side of the reflection nebula Dorschner-Gürtler 113 in the constellation of Monoceros and matches the sub-arcminute sized nebula RNO 77 (1980AJ…..85…29C). In 1980AJ…..85…29C this nebula is designated Parsamyan 16 by Cohen.

P16 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 66 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 06:54:54 -08°16'00", greater than one arcminute in size, matches the position of the Red Nebulous Object RNO 78, that is 10' south of Parsamian's B1950.0 position, as does the image in 1979CoBAO..51....3P.

Based on the matching B1950 position, Parsamian's description of "A typical cometary nebula", the sub-arcminute size of RNO 77 and Cohen's reference to Parsamian 16, the conclusion is that Parsamian 16 is the nebula RNO 77. P16 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is deemed incorrect.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:54:48 -08°06'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:57:12 -08°10'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 16 - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:57:14 -08°10'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 16 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 17 (NGC2313)

Catalog B1950 - 06:55:42 -07°52'00", size 1.1'

Catalog notes

Яркая кометарная туманность типа NGC 2261, с резко очерченными границами.

A bright cometary nebula like NGC 2261, with sharply defined borders.


The B1950.0 position 06:55:42 -07°52'00 is 1' east-northeast of the nebula NGC2313.

P17 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 67 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is a match for NGC2313 in the constellation of Monoceros, as is the image.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:55:42 -07°52'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:58:07 -07°56'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 17 (NGC2313) - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:58:03 -07'57'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 17 (NGC2313) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 18 (NGC2316)

Catalog B1950 - 06:57:18 -07°42'00", size 1.6'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность с углом раствора ~ 80°-90°.

A cometary nebula with an opening angle of ~ 80°-90°.


The B1950.0 position is a match for the nebula NGC2316 in the constellation of Monoceros.

P18 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 68 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 06:57:18 -07°41'54" matches the Parsamian B1950.0 position, as does the image.

15' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 06:57:18 -07°42'00"
converted J2000.0 - 06:59:43 -07°46'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 18 (NGC2316) - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 06:59:41 -07°47'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 18 (NGC2316) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 19

Catalog B1950 - 06:30:00 -16°53'00", size 0.6'

Catalog notes

Кометарная туманность, погруженная в туманность N2 всвиске Штромейера.

A cometary nebula immersed in Strohmeier nebula No. 2.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950.0 right ascension should be in the range of 07 through 18 hours. As Parsamian notes "A cometary nebula immersed in Strohmeier nebula No. 2", the large nebula at position B1875.0 07:25:00 -16°40'00" (Strohmeier, 1950ZA.....27...49S) that is also designated Gum 6 and Sharpless 2-302, it is clear that the B1950.0 right ascension should be 07 hours. The corrected B1950.0 position 07:30:00 -16°53'00" is 5' southeast of small nebula on the northeastern edge of the large nebula Strohmeier 2 in the constellation of Puppis, directly southwest of the star 4UCAC366-030043.

P19 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 75 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 07:30:12 -16°55'18" is 19' southwest of the small nebula on the northeastern edge of the large nebula Strohmeier 2. In right ascension this position is a match for the nebula Van den Bergh 97 that is 8' north of this position. The image is a match for the small nebula on the northeastern edge of the large nebula Strohmeier 2, directly southwest of the star 4UCAC366-030043.

The conclusion, based on the fact that Parsamian's corrected B1950 position is 5' southeast of the small nebula on the northeastern edge of the large nebula Strohmeier 2 and Parsamian's note that the nebula is "immersed in Strohmeier nebula No. 2", is that Parsamian 19 is the small nebula directly southwest of the star 4UCAC366-030043 and not Van den Bergh 97 that is clearly detached from Strohmeier 2 on both red and blue POSS plates.

15' POSS2 Red

corrected B1950 - 07:30:00 -16°53'00"
converted J2000.0 - 07:32:15 -16°59'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 19 - 15' POSS2 Red
15' POSS2 Red

correct J2000.0 - 07:32:03 -16°55'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 19 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Red

Parsamian 20 (Minkowski 1-85)

Catalog B1950 - 06:33:36 -18°36'00", size 3'

Catalog notes

Яркая туманность, в красных лучах имеет кометарную форму, приводится всписке Минковского М15.

A bright nebula, in red light has a cometary shape, listed as Minkowski M15.


As objects in the Parsamian paper are listed in increasing right ascension, it is clear that the B1950.0 right ascension should be in the range of 07 through 18 hours. As Parsamian notes "listed as Minkowski M15" it can be assumed that the nebula was cataloged by Minkowski. This information confirms that the B1950.0 right ascension position should be 07 hours as that position is 4' northeast of the nebula Minkowski 1-85 in the constellation of Puppis.

P20 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 77 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 07:33:36 -18°41'00" is 4' southeast of Minkowski 1-85, the image matches Minkowski 1-85.

In 1946PASP...58..305M, known as the Minkowski 1 list, the 5th "diffuse and peculiar nebulosity" at position B1900.0 07:31:12 -18°32'00" is Minkowski 1-85. This correlates with Parsamian's note "listed as Minkowski M15".

15' POSS2 Red

corrected B1950 - 07:33:36 -18°36'00"
converted J2000.0 - 07:35:49 -18°43'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 20 (Minkowski 1-85) - B1950, catalog - 15' POSS2 Red
15' POSS2 Red

correct J2000.0 - 07:35:34 -18°46'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 20 (Minkowski 1-85) - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Red

Parsamian 21

Catalog B1950 - 19:27:12 +09°37'00", size 1.1'

Catalog notes

Яркая кометарная туманность, анадог NGC 2261, угол раствора ~ 60°. Обнаружена Г. A. Гурзадяном.

Bright cometary nebula, similar to NGC 2261, opening angle ~ 60°. Discovered by G. A. Gurzadyan.


The B1950.0 position is 9' east-northeast of a small, elongated nebula in the constellation of Aquila.

P21 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 88 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 19:26:36 +09°32'00" is a match for the small nebula 9' west-southwest of the Parsamian position, as is the image.

30' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 19:27:12 +09°37'00"
converted J2000.0 - 19:29:35 +09°43'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 21 - 30' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 19:29:01 +09°39'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 21 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 22

Catalog B1950 - 20:21:42 +42°10'00", size 1.1'

Catalog notes

Напоминает биполярню туманность, особенно в краных лучах.

Reminiscent of a bipolar nebula, especially in red light.


The B1950.0 position is 9' west of the nebula NGC6914 and 13' west-northwest of a smaller, elongated nebula within the boundaries of the open cluster Dolidze 8 in the constellation of Cygnus.

1979CoBAO..51....3P - Parsamian-Petrosyan 95 B1950 right ascension misprint

P22 - Parsamian-Petrosyan 95 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P at B1950.0 20:22:42 +42°01'18" is 3' south of the elongated nebula. The value of 01 minutes for the declination of Parsamian-Petrosyan 95 in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is suspected to be a misprint; the actual value is presumed to be 04 minutes in declination. The corrected B1950 position of 20:22:42 +42°04'18" is a match for the small, elongated nebula 9' west of Parsamian's position and so is the image in 1979CoBAO..51....3P. The conclusion, based on the appearance of the small, elongated nebula and the information in 1979CoBAO..51....3P, both with and without taking into account a possible misprint, is that the small elongated nebula within the boundaries of the open cluster Dolidze 8 is Parsamian 22.

45' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 20:21:42 +42°10'00"
converted J2000.0 - 20:23:26 +42°20'00"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 22 - 45' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 20:24:30 +42°14'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 22 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Parsamian 23 (Blanco 3)

Catalog B1950 - 23:06:06 +66°07'00", size 1.1'

Catalog notes

Типичная кометарная туманность, угол раствора ~ 120°.

Typical cometary nebula, opening angle ~ 120°.


9' Northeast of the B1950 position 23:06:06 +66°07'00" is a small nebula surrounding the star TYC4291-00919-1. This nebula is, to the best of my knowledge, unknown and undesignated. I reported it on the Deep Sky Hunters Group in July 2019 as a possible discovery. This small nebula is close to the B1950 position and no other emission or reflection nebulae are in the vicinity. That being said, it does not fit Parsamian's description of a "Typical cometary nebula", nor is the opening angle approximately 120°.

In 1979CoBAO..51....3P P23 is listed as a synonym for Parsamian-Petrosyan 106 at the B1950 position 23:56:12 +66°09'36" in the constellation of Cassiopeia. The position matches that of the nebula Blanco 3 (1962PASP…74..330B). The description for Parsamian-Petrosyan 106 (P23) in 1979CoBAO..51....3P is "В работе была опечатка координат" which translates to "There was a typo in the coordinates".

There is, to the best of my knowledge, no other information to go by. Therefor, based on the information above, the conclusion is that Parsamian 23 is the nebula Blanco 3 at the J2000.0 position 23:58:40 +66°26'00".


If the catalog's B1950 position of 23:06:06 +66°07'00" for Parsamian 23 was determined by measuring the offset in right ascension from a full hour in right ascension and if this offset (being 6 minutes and 6 seconds based on the right ascension minutes and seconds of the B1950 right ascension 23:06:06 for Parsamian 23) was added to the right ascension position of 23:00:00, instead of being subtracted from the right ascension position of 00:00:00, then the incorrect B1950 position of 23:06:06 +66°07'00" for Parsamian 23 could be explained to an extent. Had the offset of 6 minutes and 6 seconds in right ascension been subtracted from 00:00:00 instead of being added to 23:00:00, then the resulting B1950 position would have been 23:53:54 +66°07'00". That position is 14' west of the nebula Blanco 3.

30' POSS2 Blue

catalog B1950 - 23:06:06 +66°07'00"
converted J2000.0 - 23:08:05 +66°23'15"

B1950 Catalog position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 22 - 30' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

corrected B1950 - 23:56:12 +66°09'36"
converted J2000.0 - 23:58:44 +66°26'00"

B1950 Corrected position for Cometary nebula Parsamian 22 - 15' POSS2 Blue
15' POSS2 Blue

correct J2000.0 - 23:58:40 +66°26'00"

Cometary nebula Parsamian 23 - J2000.0 - 15' POSS2 Blue

Published on 28 July 2022

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