When I have a terrible need of - shall I say the word - religion.
Then I go out and paint the stars.
- Vincent van Gogh
14" LX850
This f/8 SCT on an LX850 mount has been my primary telescope since 2015. The increase in light gathering compared to my 12" SCT is significant. The telescope + mount is a large and heavy but therefor stable combination that brings a lot of objects within reach.
The equatorial mount allows for a variety of OTA's to be attached. The Autostar controller's unique tour feature is why I prefer Meade.
12" LX200
Purchased in 2009, this f/10 SCT was my primary telescope until I acquired the LX850. It is mounted on a Mitty Wedge. I now use it to observe double stars from my backyard as it is quick to setup and easy to align. Using this scope I logged over 8500 observations for almost 7000 individual objects.
It starts with a telescope, but a great many accessories prove useful, if not necessary.
A telescope without dew protection is useless in this part of the world: OTA's, finders, controllers and eyepieces are heated with Kendrick straps. Standard finders are replaced with right-angle ones. Dew shields are added to the SCT's to retain a little heat and to improve contrast.
When observing I use a digital memo recorder to store my observations. The eyepieces I use are TeleVue Naglers.
On astrotrips in Europe I use a Kendrick observer tent for a semipermanent setup.
Previously owned
8" LX200
From 2005 through 2008 this telescope was my instrument of choice. Observations with this scope inspired the creation of CSOG.
Jurg Wagener's Celestron 11" CPC I used under the pristine skies of the Karoo desert in Sutherland, South Africa.